30 days of free returns. If you change your mind and want to initiate a return process, please contact customer@hooluxe.com first.
To be eligible for a full refund, please ensure that the product is unused and kept in the same condition and in its original packaging as when you received it.
- The order processing time is within 72 hours.
- Shipping time: general free shipping time: 12–20 days; standard express shipping time: 7–14 days.
- Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with order details, a tracking number, and an estimated delivery time.
Product Features
Ideal living space
Tailored functional zones enable you to create the ideal living environment for your cat. Our luxurious indoor catio is designed to fulfill their every need, offering customizable features and abundant space for exploration and relaxation.
No more messy room
Say goodbye to litter box woes! This luxurious feline haven has an enclosed litter box, designed to control litter splash and keep your room clean. No more surprises or messy floors. Give your furry friend the royal treatment they deserve while maintaining a pristine living space.
Hassle-free litter box maintenance
With just a simple pull, you can replace the cat litter in only 30 seconds, making it quicker and easier than ever before. Give your furry friend a luxurious and clean space, the ultimate solution for hassle-free litter box maintenance.