About Us


The story of Hooluxe begins with a stray kitten we rescued—a sudden entry into the world of being novice parents to a tiny life. It was a mix of joy and apprehension. We laughed and played together, growing closer by the day. She learned to nuzzle my nose and gently stroke my face, but mischievously dashed around at night.

Our love for her deepened as she became more reliant on us. She taught us how to express love, and we devoted ourselves to giving her the very best, hoping for her happiness and growth. Along this journey, we discovered the vast differences between human and animal living spaces. We started observing her behaviors, contemplating how to create a shared space that caters to both our needs, ensuring comfort and happiness for all.

And that's where Hooluxe came in—a brainchild led by women in the realm of pet lifestyle. It's not just about problem-solving; it's about unraveling the enchanting possibilities of cohabitation between humans and animals. We aspire to craft an imaginative realm, a place that helps pet owners express love and life philosophies.

Hooluxe consistently unveils innovative products and solutions, spanning from interior designs to smart homes, all meticulously considering the needs and habits of pets. We've designed furniture for interactive pet-human experiences and fostered a safe, comfortable environment, allowing pets to carve out their own happy corners within our homes. Hooluxe isn't merely a company; it's a family with a shared mission—endeavoring to create a harmonious, shared space for humans and pets to thrive together in happiness and harmony.